Introducing A-Culturated’s Editors

Breaking down barriers and amplifying intercultural narratives

Maria Garcia


Editors: Maria (left), Lucinda (right). Photos courtesy of authors.

Hello everyone!

When A-Culturated started, it was just a space for me to write about a topic that is recurring and close to me: intercultural experiences. As the publication grew, I found that it was much more than just a small, lost, corner of Medium.

Or at least, it could be much more than that.

My hope is that this publication grows with all your voices and stories in it. And if growth is on the menu, then so is growth of the A-Culturated team… so it is my absolute pleasure to introduce my new friend, a wonderful writer here on Medium, and the new editor of A-Culturated, Lucinda Cook!

Meet Lucinda

Born 1960 the daughter of an Australian diplomat, Lucinda Munro Cook grew up changing countries and schools a lot. Home was variously Australia, New Zealand, the U.S.A., Singapore, Indonesia, the U.K. and France.

Now an Irish citizen trying to live a zero-waste lifestyle, she’s a linguist, a musician and a multi-medium artist, as well as a lesbian, a thinker, a writer and an editor. A successful career as a stage actress ended abruptly 20 years ago when she became physically disabled (diffabled).

