January Writing Prompt

Call for writers and submissions!

Maria Garcia


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Happy New Year and welcome back to the A-Culturated Monthly Writing Prompts!

I hope you are all well and ready to write! :)

Let’s dive right in…

January’s Writing Prompt

For the month of January, I thought it would be fun to take a spin on the whole “Resolutions” theme.

Starting the year is all about making fresh new plans, finally getting to those tasks we’ve been putting off, and making space for new things. This also means looking critically at things that aren’t working or serving us and considering how we can change them.

So for this month, we are taking a spin on that by keeping things humorous. Change is serious business, but it’s important to always see the humor in everything too.

Balance is key.

So take note of all those things you need to change, or things that aren’t serving, and get funny about them. Write a satire or an open letter. Whatever floats your boat.

Here is one of mine:

