April 16, 2018 “I am Lazy and Depressed”

Yes, I admit it. I am a lazy and depressed entrepreneur. I feel like I should have started the blog with “Hello, I am Zach and I am a lazy and depressed entrepreneur” like I am in some sort of support group. Maybe I should start a support group…hmmm

Truthfully, I think there is a side to entrepreneurship that isn’t talked about enough. Depression and Loneliness. Not many people document and talk about the process of entrepreneurship — the struggle throughout the “hustle”. When I think of the other entrepreneurs I associate with, they are generally positive, happy individuals who are pursuing entrepreneurship so that they can gain freedom.

But how many are actually depressed, lonely, anxious, or maybe all three?

I know I have been all three at some point or another. I am an aspiring entrepreneur — meaning that I am young and I am building multiple streams of income so that some day I am 100% completely financially independent and can dictate my own life.

This is documentation of the struggle. This is documentation that I often lack the desire to make my dreams a reality.

I am not ashamed to admit that some days I don’t want to wake up early and work on my dreams. I am not ashamed to admit that some days, I don’t want to come home from work and then work some more. Some days I would prefer to vegetate in front of a screen, but then comes the depression……

You see, I am very ambitious at heart. I have big dreams of things I want to do. I see what other influential entrepreneurs are doing and I get pissed that I haven’t been working as much as I should. I then get down on myself, it can be a vicious cycle. It is a problem I am overcoming slowly but surely as I gain more and more self-awareness.

I know without a doubt that this is a story that is more common than “entrepreneurs” want to admit.

Some days I don’t want it bad enough….

The one’s that want it the most, win the biggest….

How big do I really want to win?

So follow me as I continue this blog series on “The Day in the Life of a Lazy and Depressed Entrepreneur”

I think it is gonna be fun! ;)



Zach Atkins
A Day in the Life of a Lazy and Depressed Entrepreneur

Hello, I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I write articles on topics that open peoples eyes to new ideas and inspires them to do great things.