April 20, 2018 “Weed and Depression”

It’s 420, but I am not really into smoking weed. Maybe I should be? Maybe it’s the unlock to help my anxiety and depression. Unfortunately it’s still illegal in the state I live in, but none the less I am excited about the future of it being legalized… uh, for medicinal purposes of course.

I have titled this ongoing series, “A Day in The Life of a Lazy and Depressed Entrepreneur” because I want to take you into the day to day hustle as I grow on a personal level and also in my businesses. I feel like not many entrepreneurs are displaying the suckiness of the everyday. It’s very romanticized and glamorized to be an entrepreneur.

Let me fill you in on my excitement filled day — Today I deposited money in the bank, made a few dozen eBay listings, shipped out sold products, came home and played with my daughter, and here I am now writing a blog for everyone to read. So glamorous huh? Some days are more packed than that, others I just lay in bed and listen to podcasts when I should be working. Never the less, most of the time it isn’t glamorous. At least not yet right?

I am not making millions or even six figures yet, so maybe it will be more glamorous when that starts happening. Maybe it isn’t suppose to be?

The great thing about today though; was that I got up out of bed and DID IT! Some days that in and of itself is hard to do. I have been battling depression and anxiety for some time and I am just now starting to feel like I am really getting a hold on it. Meditation, and positive thinking have become good friends of mine. The last two years have been huge growing seasons of my life. They have also been the suckiest two years of my life financially, but one thing I can say is that I have been virtually job free for that time period. I do self-employed contracting work, but I don’t consider that a “real” job. Despite the “suck” I have made it happen and have pushed myself in ways that I would never in a million years take back. The coming months and years are going to prove to be even better.

So let’s talk about my laziness. If I am honest, I think my laziness and my depression go hand and hand. They are like two mischievous trolls that team up and put “kick me” signs on my back just for kicks and giggles. They laugh and conspire against me to make my day as unproductive as possible.

That is a creative way I like to look at, but let’s be real. I have nobody to blame but myself when it comes to my laziness. It seems the lazier I am, the more depressed I become, but the more productive I am, the less depressed I am.

Hmmmmm…..I can’t speak for anyone else’s depression, but there seems to be an obvious solution to get over my depression.


Work on what I love!

Work on what I dream about!

Work on being integral!

Work on being loving and kind!

Work on being a good Husband and Father!

Work on being the person others need!


What do you guys think? Are you depressed entrepreneurs? How do you deal with it?

I would love it if you guys followed this continuing publication as I add new chapters. I would also love it if you let me know your thoughts and opinions on the topic and the blogs in general. Cheers!



Zach Atkins
A Day in the Life of a Lazy and Depressed Entrepreneur

Hello, I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I write articles on topics that open peoples eyes to new ideas and inspires them to do great things.