April 24, 2018 “It’s Easier When You’re Making Money”

For me, it seems like my depression and laziness start fading away as long as I am making money. It’s momentum that sets me into good vibrations and helps me be a lot more active and creative in my businesses.

Like this week for instance; I just got a new contract to complete some work for a middle man company that works with big social media clients. This is ongoing work that pays pretty decent. It helps having that extra money to throw at my businesses, and ahem….pay bills.

It is really funny how when you start taking new steps in the right direction to follow your dreams, doors just start magically opening up?

Hear me out, I think this is so important. I truly believe with all my heart that this is a result of extreme gratitude, and constantly meditating on the things I want and desire — instead of thinking of the worst case scenario — or what could go wrong.

As the great Gary Vaynerchuk would say; “It’s playing on Offense, instead of Defense”

The last several months I have positioned my mind to be fundamentally grounded on GRATITUDE!

It has usually come pretty easy for me though. I am naturally a pretty thankful, positive, and pleasant person. I may have depression, but I am not a Negative-Ned.

Yeah, I still struggle with depression, but this mindset certainly helps. I can’t imagine how much worse off it would be if I didn’t think so positively.

Unfortunately I am still depressed and lazy, but everyday I am getting closer and closer to defeating them for good. One thing I have been wanting to do for the past few weeks is, get up at 6 a.m. and go to the gym. I want to start my day with a workout instead of doing them sporadically at night. I am not a morning person, and I haven’t made myself do it yet. This is pure laziness on my part. I desire the ease of the nice warm bed, the comfort of two extra hours of sleep rather than reaching my fitness goals.

Certainly if I want to get more disciplined, stronger, and closer to having complete control over my mind, I must change this habit. For me it is simple, it’s just not easy.

Please remember friends, I do not speak for everyone who suffers from depression. I know each case has it’s different spectrum of challenges. I just know my self, and know where I can be better and get better.



Zach Atkins
A Day in the Life of a Lazy and Depressed Entrepreneur

Hello, I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I write articles on topics that open peoples eyes to new ideas and inspires them to do great things.