May 7, 2018 “The Hustle Struggle is Real”

It’s been a few weeks since I have posted any blogs. I have hit some funks of not caring about working as hard on my businesses. Keeping momentum has been one of the hardest things for me. I have been working hard the last few weeks, but unfortunately not hard enough on my businesses.

I have been working hard to make sure bills get paid. I have been working hard to make sure I am being a good Husband and Father. I have a hard time balancing stress sometimes. This is something people often forget to disclose about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is stressful. For me, it is a stress I enjoy though. It’s odd. There is a part of me that enjoys an angry message from an eBay customer. There is a part of me that enjoys working late to get content out. There is a part of me that enjoys scrambling to make my next meeting with someone. I enjoy the challenge. It’s all just growing pains, but I know what the outcome is going to be despite other’s doubts.

Some days, I doubt myself. Those days are tough to keep the momentum. Some days I believe I can conquer the world, and on those days I go to bed at night feeling like I did just that. I must remember, all in do time. Patience is key.

Here I am again though putting out another document on my splendid and fabulous life as an aspiring entrepreneur. I am recording some podcasts today to get some more of those out. I am trying to use my time more wisely. I figure I can record several podcasts today while I have time them publish them over the next few weeks.

My goal with these sort of “blurbs” about my life is to show people what it is truly like being an aspiring entrepreneur. It’s like a journal. Also, it keeps me accountable. As I see success I can also share that with the world. I don’t have a lot of readers right now, but it also gives all the future readers I will have a chance to look back at my early writings and how it all started. Hopefully, it will inspire. Hopefully, it does inspire.

Just remember in whatever moment you are in right now. Enjoy it and savor it.



Zach Atkins
A Day in the Life of a Lazy and Depressed Entrepreneur

Hello, I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I write articles on topics that open peoples eyes to new ideas and inspires them to do great things.