Writing About Writer’s Block

Elizabeth Ford
Writer’s Block
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2013

This draft had been sitting unpublished for 2 months (I checked the database).

As someone who works at Medium, I spend a lot of time encouraging my friends, family,and people I meet on Twitter to write something on the platform, so it doesn’t make any sense why I haven’t written anything beyond an Applications Engineer job post and a sentence fragment. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve started. I have drafts piling up about my company’s culture, my experiences trying to find vegan makeup, and of course this one, on why I have writer’s block.

Excuses for why I don’t write that I scribbled on a post-it:

  • terrified someone has already written the same thing
  • I have an idea but no point to the story
  • I am going to come off like an asshole
  • I’m not an expert
  • need to update my profile picture

And I might have left off the biggest fear of all: the fear of being honest about myself to the world, and letting people criticize me for who I am.

But no one will hear my point of view if I stay silent, so I’ve decided to hit “Publish” and see what happens.

Maybe after I’m done with this post I’ll send you that playlist I’ve been compiling for half a year.



Elizabeth Ford
Writer’s Block

Former Medium Engineer. — Find me on Twitter: @infraredflower