Excitement’s Building

Writing Challenge Day 25

Ravyne Hawke
A Delicious Torment


Passion Rising — Image created by Ravyne Hawke using NightCafe

There is a project that I’ve wanted to see come to fruition for over a year now, but circumstances have always arisen to put it on hold. I think its delay has fueled some of the depression plaguing me. So I’ve taken the proverbial bull by the horns to make it happen.

I am not going to give any details because I am a bit of a superstitious person — as soon as I put it out into the ethers, it may come crashing down around my head. However, I have consulted with the Universe, my spirit guides, and the Archangels about it — Now seems to be the right time.

With all this downtime due to health issues, I’ve been slowly teaching myself the tools needed to create this project. This includes reading online tutorials and watching YouTube videos — it has been an eye-opening experience, if not daunting. I am not a technical person at all. Doing this has taken me way out of my comfort zone.

However, it has also given me something to be passionate about. And it has been a long time since I’ve been passionate about anything. It has also given me a sense of accomplishment — I am doing this all on my own from start to finish. And I really need this boost.

As one who, until the past twenty years, was fiercely independent, being able to say I did this on my own harkens me back to…



Ravyne Hawke
A Delicious Torment

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh