Elite Craft Home: Design Composition

Jade Carma
A Designed World by Jade Carma
3 min readAug 9, 2018

I think DGM 270R has been by far one of my favorites, this is where I get into what I love! Layouts, color schemes, actual designing of a website. I had a lot of creative freedom, with structure of course. This class was a really good runaround of what you need to know for design design essentials. It went over the basics that I really needed to drill into my brain, like the importance of grids, which saved my life.

The main project was to create a website, which I already had the perfect idea because I was supposed to create a website for a company. This helped me learn things I needed to know in order to impress my clients. I knocked two birds with one stone!

My client was a company called, Elite Craft Homes. They were a home developer that had the worst site, which is why we had reached out to ask if we could re-design it, which they said 100% yes to. I went through the design steps in this class that helps me create what I needed to get this huge project done and done right. I’ll leave the UX out of this because that’s not the goal for the class.

Some component to create this project were:

  • Grid layout
  • Icons
  • Mood board
  • Content creation
  • Pattern library
A look at my pattern library

Before the final project was created, I obviously had to come up with a layout that I turned into a full wireframe for the mobile, tablet, and desktop. This was really big part in how I came up with the entire site as a whole. For my final project I only had designed a few pages, but this site needed a lot more to it.

Homepage wireframe
Final prototype

You can see that because I had created a wireframe and had thought of the components beforehand, nothing really changed in the end product. I put all my content where I wanted it, and created the final project. This is in fact what I used in the end for our client!

Jade Longhurst is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem Utah, studying Interaction & Design. The following article relates to DGM 270R course and representative of the skills learned.

