0 waste challenge

emma teli
A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 8, 2019

Hi, I’m Emma, I’m a transfer student living in Milan in a small flat shared with a friend.
Today is my first day in Milan as a 0 WASTE person (fourth of the challenge) and I absolutely have to inform myself about how to make a sustainable shopping in Milan.

I spent the weekend and the Monday in my home town, Sondrio, where it was (is) easier, I was not alone, my granddad is in charge of the shopping and he likes doing it as in his youth (in a sustainable way).

In Sondrio local markets are organized every Friday and Saturday morning, there you can buy fruit, honey, marmalade, fish, eggs, cheese, cured meat, ecc… You can ask for paper or plastic bags.
In Valtellina we have so many pastures thus the Municipality built a dispenser of bulk milk; it is cheaper than the packaged ones: 1€/L vs. 1.70€/L.

We don’t buy the water, the one from the tap is so good; but if you want the sparkling one there are few water dispensers among the town, you still get it for free.
You have to bring empty bottles with you.
My granddad is 84 years old and he really wants a glass of wine per meal; he doesn’t buy it at the supermarket, once a month he goes to the vine grower with the empty bottles and he fills them.

We are a carnivorous family … ( I tried to be vegetarian in the past but I was not feeling well)
The meat is available only in supermarkets, but he buys it at the desk and not the packaged one and sometimes he goes to the farmer to buy the FRESHEST one.

He buys the other things at the supermarket; he isn’t really concerned to be sustainable and above all he is quite old.
He buys the packaged dried pasta but my grandma cooks the fresh one when possible: tagliatelle, gnocchi, ravioli; there is a gastronomy where to buy fresh pasta but it is more expensive than the packaged one and above all they sell it in packages of polystyrene.
To cook it by yourself is the most cheaper and sustainable way, but it takes time; the alternative is to buy it at the gastronomy bringing with you a container spending something extra.

There aren’t other sustainable ways of buy home products instead of NEGOZIO LEGGERO 30 km far away from Sondrio; for my family in not convenient and sustainable to go there.

Now is my turn in Milan…

