#14daysVeganChallange continues…

Claudia Pelosi
A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 16, 2019

Hi guys! I hope you are even a bit curious of how my 14 days vegan challenge is going, because I’m going to tell you my news and the constraints I had to face during the last week. Let’s start from where I left you last time.


My colorful breakfast and snack.

It was Thursday and I decided to start my day with a super energetic breakfast: 4 rusks with Kamut Khorasan wheat, covered with coconut yogurt, mashed mango and nuts…tasty! At 1.00 p.m. avocado was the main character of my lunch time, meanwhile for dinner I had a veggie pizza with black olives, tomato sauce and capers. Oh, I was forgetting my snack: a delicious red fruits smoothie, while sitting in Parco Sempione.


Porridge receipt!
Veggan “aperitivo” at Arco della Pace

Day five started with a pleasant breakfast, too: porridge! I leave you the recipes in the upper image, so that you can make it whenever you wish. For lunch, as I was joining a volunteer work during the Digital Design Days in Milan, I ate a sandwich, which was vegetarian and I adapted, removing mozzarella cheese, in order to be vegan. Instead, for dinner, another challenge came up to me: having an Italian “aperitivo” (happy hour) with few friends at Arco della Pace. There was this stunning buffet, full in delicious meat based plates which I had to absolutely avoid eating, such a difficult limit! But, I managed to find veggie things and I succeeded in it, as you can see from the polaroid posted here.


Vegan Flower Burger

As for Saturday, I had an intensive 5 hours workshop in the morning, after which I thought I deserved a prize: a tasty vegan burger from Flower Burger, accompanied by baked potatoes and a diet coke — I love coffee and caffeine drinks in general, I am pretty addicted. In the evening, I was working as a waitress in Paolo Sarpi street (Chinatown), so I had to find something vegan in the kitchen to eat and I decided for dried tomatoes, beet mousse and cauliflowers.

Then on very early Sunday morning I moved to Venice for just two days to visit the Biennale of Arts, but this is another story… So stay tuned! Meanwhile, I give you the link of my Instagram profile, where you will find some veggie highlights contents in the stories. Let me know your opinions about them. Best wishes,



