As there is consumption, there is waste.

chenfan zhang
A diary of future lives
4 min readOct 5, 2019

Hello! I’m Chenfan Zhang, an outgoing girl. I come from China, and also I’m a member of DICE. It is the first day I began my zero-waste challenge, and I will try to update this blog in the next two weeks to record what I try to do with this topic.

The reason I choose this challenge is from my dissatisfaction with my consumption habits — — I enjoy spending money and buying something. So if some terrible things happen to me which make me sad, I will try to buy something to make me happy. When I realize that, I already cannot control myself. That is why my house is always stacked with useless stuff, maybe used once or twice, but when I bought these, I thought it would be useful, it also makes my room messy. I mean nobody wants to live in a“dump,” at least I don’t want to.

That’s why I decide to take this challenge, and it is an excellent chance to let me take the first step to change.

I hope I can change my spending habits, saves not only money but also makes a better contribution to environmental waste, make my life much more straightforward and happier.

Let’s start!

4.10.2019 / Carry our packaging box

My roommate and I decided to go to a restaurant to eat a hot pot after classes on Friday. We overestimated how much we could eat and ordered a little more than we could eat. Fortunately, the restaurant was downstairs from our apartment. So we decided to take away the rest food using the box which I received from our studio. And I didn’t have to pay for packaging, waste food, or use disposable plastic lunch boxes. Even save some of the bills for my next meal.

We packed up all the food we could eat and decided to let it become the materials of the dish at home.

5.10.2019 / Waste is hard to avoid

My napkin consumption is very high, and I never controlled it before. When I decide to make this challenge, I started to pay attention to the details of my life. And I find this situation, of course, a waste activity because you can use towels or whatever you can wash to avoid repeat paper.

I decided to put a little towel which my mom bought for me from China in my bag, so I can use it whenever I want to clean my hands. I can even wet it with water to clean up something sticky on my clothes, because it absorbs water better than napkins. When I went to Duomo to eat ice cream, it was handy to clean up melted ice cream that sticked to my hands.

So…… Did I not produce any waste today?

I think the answer is no.

As I was about to finish my ice-cream, I realized that the clerk had wrapped it in a napkin. And the ice-cream I bough was a large one, so, before I could finish eating it, it already melted, and I had to throw it away.

At dinner time, we order a beef noodle in China town, I’m too thirsty, so I ask the restaurant owner:

“I have a challenge about zero-waste, may I buy some water which is in a glass bottle, not in a plastic one?”

“We don’t provide this kind of water; we only have plastic bottles.” The owner said.

‘I’m so thirsty,’ I think.

Finally, I decided to buy bottled water; even if it makes some waste. Because I can’t bear the suffering of thirst, I really had to say water is the source of life at that time.

In the end, I found that even if I rejected some excessive packaging, disposable products, and so on, as long as I consume, I would generate a large number of receipts, which is also a waste.

So long as there is consumption, there is a waste. Even if I go to some activities, there will be a lot of leaflets and brochures. And it is out of my control. But fortunately I have a habit of gluing receipts into bookkeeping manuals, So I think in a sense it’s not totally useless.

But at least, I’ve got the sense, and I believe I’m going to do better tomorrow.

Chenfan Zhang

