Be the solutions not the problems | Day7–9( €20 a week challenge )

A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 13, 2019

Yes, I found more solutions to handle my challenges! I wrote them down to remind myself and also to inspire & get inspired! Share solutions together to build a better community.

| Digital design day

Thanks to Polimi we have registered before, so we have free tickets now ( original price of the ticket — €100 )

We went to the exhibition on Saturday to learn about business world and design in real world. They prepared some presents for attenders, so I got 2 notebooks 2 pencils and one cloth bag for free. I think I can take the reusable bag to the markets instead of buying the PENNY bag which is about €0.99. After this event I know we can get good use of our network and resources. Like Polimi often has some special and interesting events that not only free but also you can learn knowledge and gain social skills as well as meet some new friends! So there are more than one reason to attend! It’s really nice and you can’t refuse them. By the way, they are about to show some cultural films these days, so meet me on campus instead of going to the cinema maybe is a good call.


Another thing I learn from this weekend is always remember to bring your own bottle so you don’t need to buy one when you are really thirsty. You can use it to have some tap water. Put reusable bottle on some conspicuous place, so you won’t forget them.

| Sharing food is always a good idea.

This weekend our neighbors invited us to have lunch together for the help I offered before. I suggested we each prepared some dishes so we can share them together. In the end actually we made 2 dishes and they made 4. So we reserved some of them for Monday’s Lunch. Sharing food is good to get known the people who live in your society, and they can offer help when it’s necessary. But the the greatest benefit is we can save money ( really good for my challenges ) also built relationships.

lunch together

|Hand-made wallet

I want a smaller wallet cause present one is hard to put into my pocket. I searched the price on Amazon then I decide to have an another solution because It’s not a real urgent need. Wallet have the mission to make my life better instead of It’s so important that I can’t live without it. After thinking of different solutions, I decided to make one. I use a printer to print some images on A4 paper(we already have a printer so the cost of colorful papers is like €0.05) and cut them into the shape which I can fold them into a pocket. Now I have a unique wallet! But…here comes other questions, like It’s not water-proof and it’s not durable. So I need to think about it farther later

