Coconut milk?

Agustina Toderi
A diary of future lives


So, I am vegan now, and I don’t have any idea on what to do, what to eat, what should I look on the products I buy, nothing.

I started looking up tips in order to change my eating habits, and I found a very simple and short one that I think is very helpful, it has 8 points and it goes like this:

1. KNOW WHY ARE YOU DOING IT: I know it is a challenge, but I’m really committed to do it

2. EMBRACE THE PROCESS WITH AN OPEN MIND: It is a time to discover new flavors and food, don’t see this change as a restriction, but as a substitution.

3. FIND YOUR PROCESS, WITHOUT AIMING FOR PERFECTION: The important thing is to keep going, with no rush.

4. GO CRAZY IN THE KITCHEN! : Try new recipes, and if you don’t know how to cook yet, it is a great moment to start!

5. SHARE YOU PROCESS WITH YOUR FAMILY, AND BE PPATIENT: It is common that if there are not into this, they will worry. Be patient and lovely and explain them everything you know

6. LEARN HOW TO EXPOSE YOUR ARGUMENT: It is important to know how to deal with confrontations.

7. FIND YOUR COMMUNITY: Be surrounded by people who share with you same values and lifestyle

8. FOLLOW PEOPLE WHO INSPIRE YOU: Activists, animals’ sanctuaries, animal’s organizations, seeing this content will inspire you to keep on going.

I had not so much time, because the challenge is for 14 days, but I find this list useful, mainly from the point 1 to 4. I decided that on Saturday I was going to be vegetarian, and on Sunday I was going to start being vegan.

Saturday evening, I bought my first vegan stuff, I entered an Indian store, which luckily was open, and bought: soy sauce, coconut milk and pepper. Random. I knew I was going to need coffee on Sunday morning, so I needed a friendly milk: got it. I had been looking for recipes all over Instagram and most of them used soy sauce to cook: got it. And pepper, well, it is always needed.

Coconut milk, I didn’t trust it, at all. I woke up on Sunday and prepare my regular coffee, I opened my new milk, and take a sip… WOW, Mind-blowing. My regular coffee was so much better, a totally new flavor had arrived to my life, and I loved it. I didn’t feel it as a restriction (well maybe it was at the begging) but now.. it is totally a choice! Big score to Veganism.

