Gradual change

chenfan zhang
A diary of future lives
4 min readOct 10, 2019

Today the fourth day of the challenge. Although there are many small problems, they have not affected my life. And quite the opposite, I will think more about the environment and restrain some of my needs, because as I wrote in my first diary, the more you consume, the more you waste.

8.10.2019 | Sharing makes waste less, enjoy more

To prepare our lunch quicker, my roommate tried to make sushi for our dinner the day before and lunch the next day. Because it is easy to make and also very delicious. But as usual, we cannot control how much we need; we make more than we need again. And to avoid waste, we decide to take this sushi to school to share it with our team members. When we share food, we also share what we have learned in class and some happy experiences. I think this sharing not only reduces the waste caused by diet but also brings our relationship closer. Although the sushi still produces some rubbish, such as a plastic film, however, we recycle it many times, I think we have made the best use of this plastic product.

It is also a very interesting thing, and many times because of the challenge, we need to help each other to solve some problems, more communication between us, and in the rest of the time, you may limit by the challenge, can’t buy coffee (because it may cause of disposable plastic waste), you have to stay in the classroom, and therefore people have more time together. Also, if you want to meet a new classmate but you don’t know how to do it, now you need to ask him/her what the challenge is, and then you can start a conversation.

It is a snack come from china, my roommate gave it to Federica and want she could have a try, but unfortunately, she didn’t like it very well because of the tasty maybe a little wired for her, so she gave me the rest let me finish it to avoid more waste.

9.10.2019 | Gradual change

Taking a lunch box with me when I go to school is becoming a habit every day. Last time my zero waste lunch plan didn’t work because of language problems. Federica looked at my dairy before and said she could help me. So we go to the bakery again, and this time we succeed. I don’t cause any paper or other waste. And we even create a “new” way to dry my box without any napkins. How “clever” we are 😂!

We find we can use the bathroom dryer to dry out my lunch box

In the evening, I went to the supermarket to buy some food for cooking. Me with my roommate, we both like eggs very much, and we always buy a lot of eggs, which will be much cheaper.

Buy thirty eggs at a time, the clerk will give us a plastic packing box, in the past, we tend to throw it away, and then the clerk will provide us with a new one, but in fact, customers can recycle this box, because it is not fragile at all. So this time I’d take the box we get last time and go to the supermarket, they also give us new eggs without refusing our recycled packaging request. I think it is perfect.

I think maybe the supermarket can encourage people to bring recyclable boxes to the supermarket to use it, which is environmentally friendly and can reduce the supermarket to purchase more plastic products. At the same time, I think in the supermarket, if you buy vegetables, you want to select them, you have to touch it, and everyone needs to use disposable plastic gloves. I think this will create a lot of waste, maybe the supermarket can think about whether to provide more durable and reusable gloves.

