How to live with 20 euros a week (finding new solutions)

Anna Buccarelli
A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 12, 2019

I have just finished my first challenge week and I have some news to share.

On Thursday my grocery shopping (done on Saturday morning) was starting to end. I still had two eggs, lentils, and some rice. I decided to have lunch with white rice (no oil allowed) and eat lentils for dinner. Anyway, since two eggs were not enough for the meals of Friday, I went to the Penny market and I bought salad and other tomatoes. There wasn’t gluten-free bread so I opted for gluten-free cakes. Total spending: 2.89 euros. That’s ok considering I spent 20.22 euros on food in a week. As Tuesday evening, I preferred training at home instead of going to the gym. It is known that doing exercise makes you hungry and I have to admit that lentils were not enough. My stomach was crying out for something more and to see my roommate with her friends dining without care didn’t help me. So, for the first time, I cheated. I opened the fridge and I ate a soy pudding that was not mine.

On Friday morning one of my friends asked me if I wanted to participate in another friend’s birthday present. At first, I said yes, completely forgetting the challenge, but then I had to decline the proposal. For this reason, I started watching on Youtube if there were any advice or tutorial on how to make a handmade gift. Most of them were too complex for my skills and others I didn’t find right for her. So I decided to look around the house and see if I could find something useful. In the kitchen, there were many beer caps of the night before and I thought I could use them to create a homemade trivet ( I saw many tutorials about that and my friend loves to cook, so why not?). I bought some fabrics for 3 euros and I used the others I had to create the trivet. It was very funny to look for sheets, old shirts, whatever I could use to make my trivet. I once again asked my roommate to help me to put together beer caps and fabrics.
These are two of the fabrics I used

My work is still in progress, I will also use the rest of the weekend to complete my creation…
so new updates coming soon.

