It’s not the end

Nardin Shafik
A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 18, 2019

This isn’t the end of my paper challenge as I would love to continue with it. I had fun with the paper challenge and I found out a lot of benifits for me, and the environment.


I had a lot of changes within my inner self and specially in my own behavior. As for not using any paper, I started using my digital devices more. I had a mini Ipad that i rarely used before, being used now a lot more and i found out that it is much more easier to write and take notes on a digital platform like an Ipad or a laptop.


Before starting this challenge i had a lot of papers everywhere, specially on my dining table that i never used for eating (i guess it is made for papers,haha!). The drawer of my studying stuff was also full of papers, but not anymore!
My kitchen and refrigerator was also full of paper as well, as i mentioned before i have a no plastic rule in my house, so i used to buy food with paper bags and not plastic, not being able to do both was a huge challenge with me. Vegetables needed something to suck the water out of it, using cloths to do so, now my refrigerator is full of cloths.
Boxes are made of carton which is a sub-paper material and I used a lot of boxing because of ordering online some dishes and cutlery, but now I used the boxes for throwing trash in them in order not to use plastic bags.


As we all know paper is made of trees, and every-time I touch a paper now I remember all of the trees that were burnt throughout the fires that happened everywhere. As fires ate half of the trees on earth (more or less), the other half is being cut down to be used as paper and materials we use everyday.
Cutting down paper usage may save a lot of trees:)!

As i said in the title, it is not the end! I’m going to continue this challenge till I don’t know when:)!

