Last day of my challenge| Day14( €20 a week challenge )

A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 18, 2019

Today is the last day of my challenge. I’d love to say this challenge changed my lifestyle a lot. But as far as I know, research shows it requires 21 days to form a new habit. So probably I will continue this way of living to be a good resident of the earth for 7 more days . Maybe 21 days are also not enough to make a visible change for the earth or environment, but at lease it is still visible as far as I can tell from the changes in my home. Also maybe just me alone can’t make a big change. However, I can lead a lifestyle with minimum quota of everything. Then I can influence the people around and also families. If I stick to this lifestyle and have the mindset for another year I think I can tell you I really made a difference. Because the effort of some lifestyles or some choice is invisible, so after long time of devotion, you don’t know if you are really making and impact. You start to wonder why I’m doing this or do I really achieve something?

I must say communities play an important role for the environmentalist or someone who cares about our earth and climate change in their processes . If I see others clapping for me and starting following my blog, I would be so touched to find like-minded people.

I realize €20 is sufficient to cover food and maybe energy bills for a week’s living, but not enough for rent or other stuff (like my application for enrollment certificate for €32). The true meaning of this embodied experience maybe is to share, repair, exchange in order to decrease our impact on earth by reducing our desires which are encouraged and taken advantage of by consumption culture.

Another thing occurs to me that maybe after the boom of clothing, electronic devices, as well as other service choices since technology changed our lives thoroughly, we will slow down the consumption culture and return to keeping our lives simple.

I read the posts of my classmates and got so much inspiration. We kind of form a community including 100 people to lead a trend. Mindset is always a problem for designers. The motivations should be “designed” to let people have new behaviors. None said it was easy. So we designers, and pioneers all have a long way to go.

