Last night I dreamt an hamburger

Sofia Motta
A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 12, 2019

A tip for those that are trying to follow a vegan diet:
never watch an American Tv Series before going to sleep.

It’s been five days so far since I’m doing the vegan challenge and the things are turning tough. My stockpile of vegetables, fruits, dry nuts and alternative proteins is getting lower day by day and I really need to go to the supermarket again to refill my fridge.

In my mind I have this positive feeling that I can do it. Spending some time through the shelves and looking for the alternative food offered, like soya hamburger, coconut milk, tofu and other stuff. But then I realize that I cannot avoid to pass also next to the diairy products, the meat aisle, the bakery area… and then my will power gets lower.

Two weeks are not so long but at the same time it seems a life since I don’t eat a “good meal”. The vegan diet can be classified as “healthy” because of the amount of greens, natural ingredients, the no sugar and most of the industrial stuff, but I don’t think it’s really helpful for the mental health, at least not mine. I don’t know if it’s just a feeling but I’m getting kind of stressed, and tired because of this vegan habits, and not just because of the lack of proteins. It’s true and I confirm that you can’t start a completely different lifestyle suddenly, you need to take your time and get used to it. First of all because the temptation is always behind the corner. You have lot of relationships during a day with other people and since I spend large quantity of my time at the university and I share the apartment with one of my friends, I’m never alone during the meals.

last dinner with my roommate (she’s eating meatballs and cheese)

I feel like trapped to cannot eat normally whatever I want while others do it, I’m craving to eat something protein-based, I’m not doing it but at the same time I realize that I actually could do it. So I feel stressed because I keep on thinking about this situation, this “I wish but I can’t…couldn’t”. Furthermore, getting more involved in this world is making me realize that going vegan is really expensive. Why such a lifestyle should cost double if the products are less refined and have less treatments? I mean a bottle of soya milk costs €2,63 and a portion of vegan biscuits is around €3,01 for less than 300gr. Higher prices and fewer quantity. Be vegan it’s not an affordable choice of life, not everybody can follow this diet. Not to count that not every place has this kind of offer and so you are forced to go around the city looking for specific places and it takes lots of time as usually they are located in some specific area (not so close to my home).

Despite the difficulties, spreading the news that I’m doing this challenge is having some benefits, because I found out that more people as I knew, are giving me tips to how to survive or suggest me where to go to do the grocery shopping.

Anyway, it’s Saturday, weekend time. In my life weekend doesn’t mean “party and relax” all the time but at least have a satisfying meal, yes. For tonight I’m planning to go (for the second time) to Flower Burger, a place focused on vegan burger which are really tasty. I tried them in the past without knowing the no-animal proteins rule of the place and they were delicious.

December 2018, last dinner at Flower Burger

A good compromise between craving meat and keep on the challenge!

