A diary of future lives
9 min readOct 17, 2019


Let’s say I live in a desert.

I am BIN. I’m going to take on an incredible challenge: living with a limited allowance of daily water (60 liters) for 14 days.

Honestly, I have a little bit of cleanliness. It is very important for me to keep my stuff clean, which will inevitably use a lot of water.

So why do I have to torture myself :

The worldwide fund for Nature (WWF) released its most detailed report to date on the state of the planet’s resources.

The report argues that current overdraft consumption by humans is unsustainable. Over the past 30 years, human economic activity has reduced the number of species on earth by 35 percent, including 54 percent of freshwater species, due to human overconsumption. 35 percent decline in Marine species; Forest species declined by 15%.

As a designer, I’m going to design myself before I design the world.

Day 1

To cope with the challenge of using less than 60 liters of water per day, I quantified my daily water consumption:

Measurement method:

Water speed + mineral water bottle

Turn tap on for 3 seconds = 0.5 l

Calculating my daily water consumption:


Wash hands = 3.7 seconds

Brush teeth = 2.09 seconds = 2 seconds

Wash hair = 72 seconds

Wash a face in 61 seconds

(sum = 138.7 seconds = 23.11 litres)

Flush the toilet once = 3 ~ 5 liters


At noon:

Drink 0.5 liters

Wash hands = 0.62 liters

Cooking water -600 ml

Dishwashing water — uncertain

Dishwater — 12.08 seconds per plate

Washing cutting board — 12.08 seconds

A pot — 22.57 seconds

A bowl — 8.76 seconds

(sum = 90,14 seconds =15 litres)

Flush the toilet second = 3 ~ 5 liters smaller


In the evening:

Flush the toilet second = 3 ~ 5 liters smaller


Brush teeth: 2.09 seconds

Wash face: 61 seconds

Bath: 40–45 liters

Flush the toilet once = 3 ~ 5 liters smaller

(sum: 66.79 seconds = 1.1 l +43 l =54.1 l)


Total = 104.93 liters

Goal = 60 liters

104.93 liters — 60l iters = 44.93 liters

So, to reach my goal, I need to save 44.93 liters per day.

Day 2

I divided my water consumption into two categories:

1.Disposable water: clean body water, cooking water, drinking water

2.Recyclable water: clean toilet water

I analyzed my main water consumption:

Shower: 40 l; Wash face: 122 seceonds= 20.33 l; wash dishes: 15 l; wash hair 72 seconds = 12 l; Flush toilets = 11 l;

To reach my goal, I need to save 44.93 liters per day


tools tools

My Plan:

  • using Avene spray to dry clean face for reducing 20 l water consumption;
  • washing hair in the basin for reducing 6 l water consumption;
  • Flushing the toilet with wastewater after washing for reducing 11 l water consumption;
  • taking a shower twice a day for reducing 20 l water consumption;
  • Total amount saved: 57 liters per day (reach my goal to save 44.93 liters per day)

Day 3

To carry out the plan.

The first day is like a race against time. I need to control the time of washing hands within 3.5 seconds and the water for washing hair within 35 seconds. The dry washing method that does wash a face by saving a lot of water really, but I still feel that I did not wash my face clean.

I do not arrange the amount of water for washing dishes in the water-saving plan, because it is necessary to keep enough water to clean dishes for health, and the proportion of water consumption for washing dishes is not the largest.

I go to a dinner party with my classmates today evening. And I come back home at 12:36. I went to bed without bathing since I was so tired. Thus I save 40 liters of water left for today. Goodnight…

Day 4

It is a cool day. I open the window and try to find out if the cold air facing the hot air inside would meet and form a water mist, but it not happen. How to make water and save water filled in my mind every time.

the dry clean way to save water dry clean way to save water dry clean way to save water dry clean way to save water

Once again, using Avene spray to dry clean my face in the morning, wash hair in a basin, and limit the amount of time that I spend washing hands.

In the morning, on the way to activate my bank card, I am too busy to drink water. The busy schedule may let me forget that I was thirsty and save 0.5 l water.

In the UX class in the afternoon, Yeuz says he is thirsty and he wants to get water with me. But I refuse because it is the only cup of water I had left in the afternoon. I am thinking that maybe saving water would affect our social relationships.

Taking a bath every two days, ok, today is an even number, 8, I am permitted to take a bath according to my plan. (this action saves an average of 20 liters water per day)

Day 5

It’s getting cold! When I opened my phone to check the temperature, I found that it would rain today. I cut off the mouth of the mineral water bottle and put it in the garden, hoping to receive some rainwater to flush the toilet, in exchange for the opportunity to wash my face with tap water!

During the class break, I eat an apple instead of drinking 0.5 liters of water.

Come home at night, I am satisfied to take away my rainwater, finally, I have a reason to wash my face with tap water!

Today is an odd day, no shower!

Day 6

After washing my face this morning, I find that I am almost using out of napkins. So washing the face with spray takes time with napkins because I have to use napkins to wipe cleanser. Thus, It’s worth thinking about balance of paper and water.

Today is an even day, you can take a shower!

Day 7

My way of washing saves water, but it takes time! Which is more important, time or water? I’m questioning myself.

I am very sleepy today. I order coffee from the coffee vending machine instead of drinking 0.5 liters of water.

I’ve come to realize that there are a lot of things I need to do to save water or find a reason to do it.

I find a good way to save water on washing dishes tonight — use the steam machine.

Instead of washing dishes, I just need to wipe off the mist on the machine, because of no oil on the machine and dishes. 15 liters water-saving

Odd days, no showers!

Day 8–9

Two days holiday, I went to COMO for a relaxing walk, it is so beautiful. On the trip I ate in a restaurant so I did not cook, wash dishes, therefore did not use any water. So I meet the plan — saving water by 15 liters.

It’s a nice trip, so I will type fewer words and put beautiful pictures.

Day 10

During lunch, I find that there is a bar that uses a different toilet flushing design that is water-saving.

This interactive way of opening water saves water from the level of time and space. Let’s free up our hands to clean and save time on water.

The interactive way of switch-on tap free up our hands to clean and save using water time.

I am thinking that maybe making the interaction more interesting can also achieve the goal of saving water instead of wasting water.

Today I cut water consumption as planned as yesterday.

Day 11

It rained all night. When I got up in the morning, I caught a cold and had a fever. A cup of hot water was boiled for the medicine in the morning.

I have lunch in the school bar, drinking a bottle of water, 0.5 l.

Today I feel sick. I take medicine with hot water, which is a good way to relieve the cold discomfort. I used an extra liter of water because I was sick.

I’m falling asleep…forget to shower…(maybe saving much water too)

Day 12

Today I still follow the previous routine plan.

When I was washing my face by the dry clean way, I found my skin very dry, perhaps it was caused by weather or washing hair with a basin? After I am sick, all the reasons will be blamed on the saving water plan. There are still 2 days left. Stick to it!

In the evening, I cook dumplings for dinner, because of convenience. I use water that boils dumplings to drink medicine. I hope it won’t affect the effect of medicine.


Today is the penultimate day to finish the challenge. Weather is getting dry. My Avene spray has been used up already, and 0.3 liters of spray water can be used for 13 days. But I was surprised to find that I still have a small bottle of gifts spray.

Today’s used water is carried out according to daily plans.

After eating breakfast, I found another good way to save water, which is very similar to the dry-cleaning face. I used kitchen paper to wipe the oil and residue on the plate before washing it, and then I could wash the dish with less water.

For dinner, I eat lasagna at the bar across my community. I do not order water! After paying the bill, I go back home and drink the medicine, with hot water, just quench my thirst but save 0.5 liters of water! I hope that sore throat and fever will disappear tomorrow.


The last day of the challenge.

Today, as usual, I carry out in accordance with the routine plan. I see different sets of challenges in class today. In summary, two sentences: the designer itself is difficult to change the world, but can create events to change the world. If you want to design the future, you could simulate your own in future situations, and make an effective future design.

