Local products harvest

Valentina Facoetti
A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 13, 2019

This Sunday I decided to go for a walk in the woods with my friend Anna. We took the opportunity to harvest some chestnuts!

, Bergamo

We collected 5 kg of chestnuts each.
During the walk we observed the plants that spontaneously arose in the forest and we decided to gather some nettles to prepare infusions and risotto.

When we arrived at home we cleaned the chestnuts and baked them!

At dinner we decided to prepare risotto with nettles and taleggio cheese.
Brown the onion with oil and blend with white wine. In the meantime we blanched the nettles in boiling water for a minute.
We chopped the nettles and added them to the cooked risotto.
A few minutes before the risotto was ready we added the taleggio.
We cooked until creamy with butter and served!

