Local-Vegan for the next 14 days

Sofia Motta
A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 8, 2019

The first chapter of Innovation Studio challenge could be called “I really need to learn to read carefully”.

From the beginning…

I don’t define myself a lazy person, but I believe in the motto “get more done with less effort”. When it was time to pick a challenge from the list and try to get over it in 14 days I was looking for the easiest one according to my needs and my lifestyle. I’ve always done sports, I like the competition and I like to challenge myself in order to win it. Scrolling down really quickly the suggestions made by the professors I saw one that looked quite doable, convenient…let’s define it “an easy one”.

I’m human, we make mistakes so, because of the rush, because I preferred to chat with my group, by mistake I chose the “Consider only eating local food (produced within a 50 km radius) and alternative proteins”. In that moment everything was fine, I had my challenge, I was going to start it on Monday as I had to prepare myself, my environment and the people around me: my duty was over for the moment. Late, that afternoon I took a train to come back to my home town and I was describing this new course to one of my friend and in that moment I realized it. I was going to get vegan for the next 14 days. Omg, how was it possible that I didn’t notice the word “only” in the sentence, how I couldn’t realize that that challenge was referred to adopt a vegan diet?. I don’t even have the will power to go vegetarian for one single day, how can I survive as vegan for the next two weeks?.

So here I am, trying to get my things together and figuring out how to become a vegan as soon as possible. I’m reading tons of articles about people who decide to adopt this kind of lifestyle, I subscribed at least at ten different youtube channels of vegan blogger and I’m following as many account as I can on Instagram, just to have inspirations about some tasty recipes that not include all the common (and delicious) proteins.

This morning, after two days of a bit of discouragement, I decide to take this challenge seriously. I went to the supermarket and I bought tons of vegetables, mostly legumes, which I’m going to use to prepare cold salad or dishes based on rice, lots of dry fruits and also fresh one, not even a single product made by milk and some sort of bread made with alternative proteins mixed with wheat. I spent more than one hour at the supermarket in order to check the label and be sure that the products were been produced in the nearby.

Now I’m on a train again, coming back to Milan to restart the week, thinking about the tough days that will expect me.

I’m wondering if I will succeed in this challenge or if I’m gonna quit it before even start it. Will I surprise myself?

Am I going to cheat and nobody will never know it?

All the different media I found about going vegan gives lot of point of view and have diverse approaches, they just have one thing in common: try to start a vegan diet step by step, all of a sudden is not the right answer….

