Milan: not that easy to go “local”

Sofia Motta
A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 8, 2019

As this morning I didn’t have class, I took the chance to go for a walk and see if next to my house there would be some place where to buy local products or where to try some alternative proteins.

I forgot about the fact that, every Tuesday, there is the market just under my house door, in the street where I live. When I realized it, that seemed a very lucky coincidence and I had good vibes about all the local stuff I could find there.

Not that lucky, unfortunately…

Apparently Milan is too international, too metropolitan style also for the street market!. Nobody here sells products that come directly from the lands in the nearby. I found just few stands which sold cheese and salami, but they weren’t helpful for my cause, they are not alternative proteins.

I’m realizing that maybe the challenge I took it’s too much complicated to be pursued in a city like Milan, so I will mix the vegan part, trying to avoid the common protein and all the food that comes from the animal world, but I will amplify a little bit the kilometric radius of my challenge. So I decided that the word “local” in this challenge just mean, “Italian food” generally speaking. In this way I will try a kind of lifestyle that can combine a possible future diet, but at the same time that allow me to be sustainable and support the country economy, (and of course that allow me to eat something). Also this choice won’t be easy for a person like me, that loves eating everything and never cared about the provenience of any food product. I already miss noodles, sushi and all the delicious asian dishes.

These are going to be two very interesting and hard weeks but I’m kind of motivated to achieve my goals and succeed in this challenge, also because today I could confront myself with my friends and classmates, all of us are having the same doubts, trouble, trying to bypass the problems regarding his topic… We are supporting each other and give some tips and suggestions to where have the grocery or how to face an issue.

My lunch for tomorrow is ready: mixed rice cereals with grain, quinoa, beans, carrots, almonds, pistachio seeds, walnuts and other random dry legumes.
I still don’t really understand why people go vegan and the very reason behind this choice of lifestyle but I think I might like this type of dishes,
I kinda get used to it.

Let’s see if it will be fun also in the next days...

