Sharing the guilt

Isadora Koike
A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 10, 2019
Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels (click on the image to go to its origin)

From my 1st and last report on my 14-day challenge without single-use plastic “Ready, set and…go?” until now, 2 days after, here’s what happened:

When previously analyzing the 3 priorities that make me fail fatally in not consuming disposable plastic I blamed myself 100% on my terrible habits…

After sleeping over this feeling and trying to figure out a way out of those packaging “traps”, the simplest idea finally hit me:
“If I am not the one who chose those packagings, couldn’t the one who did change it?…” — and minutes further — “What if I simply asked them to?!”

So, now with a new puzzle, I’m going through the night and maybe a day or two, researching with whom exactly can I share the guilt of plastics shrinks to water bottles and cigarette packagings, lack of different and refillable services of mineral water consumption and animal food, poor and only plastic choices.

I understand it doesn’t sound that difficult to choose industries to blame and make my consumer rights worthy through an e-mail complaint. But I’m not that great of a complainer and if I’m doing it, I want to direct demands to a possible solver.

Because of that, I remembered my experience in the pharmaceutical packaging industry and all the regulatory legislations each and every country had over product conservation and these rules were usually the same applied to food. In addition, the legal conditions were leading almost inevitably to plastic disposable packages as they specified gas exchange levels, temperature and etc..

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels (click on the image to go to its origin)

So, before pointing the finger, I’ll spend a bit longer finding out in which direction: FDA and other countries’ equivalents, mineral water, and pet food industries or all of the above?…

I’ll come back with at least a draft of my demands!

Just adding a positiveness to seal this deal: I’m finishing this post with a lighter heart by doing something that doesn’t exclude my individual responsibility but also doesn’t put me in an opposite and distant place from producers and governmental organizations, I’m remembering that we’re all connected and connectable and I’ll work on making this communication a mean to conceal instead of confronting.

