Surviving 14 days vegan diet — Day 3 & 4

A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 9, 2019

The next two days were harder than expected, not so much for the initial difficulties linked to the introduction into the vegan world, but for the commitment to support this type of diet.

This monday I was at a dear friend’s graduation party and it was impossible not to eat something non-vegan. We were at the University from 10 to 14 in order to wait for the proclamation. Once she gradatued, we moved to a bar in the center of Varese where a buffet had been prepared.

I was terribly starving. Once we arrived at the restaurant, I approached the table, and I had a terrible surprise: I swear there was nothing I could eat, except some bread.

Me at the table

The problem was also that I couldn’t eat all the bread otherwise the other people couldn’t eat it. So, for my survival, I had to eat cheese (at least I avoided meat because I felt too guilty). It is interesting to highlight that at least 90% of the food we eat every day is not consistent with the vegan diet. Except this event, the diet was not so bad for the other days. I ate a lot of vegetables and I discovered that pumpkin seeds are delicious (but maybe it’s the lack of sweets that makes me say these things). I also realized that I had chosen the most complicated challenge, and I felt quite stupid, but I definitely want to arrive to the Day 14. For the money spent on the shopping, it is still early to be able to make a comparison, while about the garbage I noticed how, by increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed, non-biodegradable waste has greatly decreased (obviously).

Also, i noticed that i love yogurt (i think it’s the only sweet food i ate these days).

Part of my vegan garbage (i didn’t finish all the food i bought)

Tomorrow my parents will have lunch with lasagna at home, and I’ll be in the university … with a soy cutlet … I hope to not get crazy before DAY 14.



A diary of future lives

Hi! I’m Davide Macchi, I’m a designer based in Varese. I’m attending the master degree course of Product Service System Design. I love dogs and working out.