Surviving 14 days vegan diet — final chapter (till now)

A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 18, 2019

Today is the day of the report on this experience. Looking back, I can say that it was a complex experience in some aspects. The greatest difficulty was to find different and healthy foods to eat. In fact, I gained 1 kilo (f**k!). This is due to the fact that in order to eat various and tasty foods, I ate so many processed and ready-made foods like soy cutlets.

The most frustrating thing about shopping is the difficulty in recognizing the foods you can eat at first sight. Many foods seem to be of vegetable origin from the packaging, while reading well, they are not. It is really stressful to do the shopping this way, I can understand why many vegans prefer to buy in specialized shops.

As a taste, the foods weren’t even that bad … except one in particular that I couldn’t eat …

Rest in peace my dear

And it became a stone…

Okay, being — maybe — the last day of this experience, I can see the results of my experiment. I collected all the packaging (except for a few packets of pasta that was not finished) of the foods I ate.

all my waste

My garbage weighs in total 511 grams: 127 grams of plastic and 384 grams of paper. I intend to do the same analysis with my omnivorous diet. As you can see from the picture I ate a lot of yoghurt and frozen food, as I said. It was a very interesting experience to understand what kind of problems a vegan person faces to find the food to consume and I reflected about which aspects should be improved to encourage people to follow this type of diet.

I think that vegan diet is really more expensive. Also, about food, there are not many really healthy alternatives.



A diary of future lives

Hi! I’m Davide Macchi, I’m a designer based in Varese. I’m attending the master degree course of Product Service System Design. I love dogs and working out.