The challenge of being VEGAN in general terms…

A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 17, 2019
The sketch I draw as I begin my challenge.

To tell you the truth, this week has been quite difficult for a novice like me. It was a busy week and I had to go home late most nights. And if you’re eating vegan, you need a lot of time to prepare food. Of course you can eat ready vegan dishes, but often it is not a good option. Because I think these ready meals are both expensive and treated too much. That’s why most of the time the only option available is to prepare meals with veggies and vegan foods available. That’s why I don’t think I’m eating so well this week. If I have to admit, I thought I’d get a pizza from the pizzeria near my house when I went home most nights.

Overall, it was definitely a different experience if I were to evaluate these two weeks. I started this challenge with great enthusiasm. And my sense of empathy towards vegan-fed people has improved greatly. I have discovered both positive and negative aspects of vegan nutrition. For example, vegan meals are more expensive than ready-made vegan meals, restaurants are over-processed, there is a lack of vegan foods in grocery stores, and more time is needed during shopping or during the food preparation phase.
Based on all these experiences, question marks started to form in my head. This diet is not only an option but a responsibility. But I think that such a sensitive choice can cause some environmental problems. For example, like the vegan dishes I mentioned above. Think about the processes built for the construction of a ready-made vegan hamburger. And consider the environmental problems caused by these processes in factories. I’m a little confused about this. Perhaps all the options and stages of vegan nutrition need to be rearranged and rethought …
Apart from all this, I am very happy that this challenge gives me a different perspective.

The sketch at the end of my challenge.

