Time to Digital Detox III

Ryohei Kawagishi
A diary of future lives
2 min readOct 10, 2019

I thought I could manage well to reduce using the iPhone just for 2 weeks, but I found a problem actually.
Day 5, I think it was a successful day because I touched the iPhone only 46 minutes, I have not imagined that I could use the iPhone less than 1 hour a day. When I saw the statistic result on the iPhone I was so satisfied with it.

However, I found a big difficulty in the next day. I got up usually and I started my challenge as usual. It seemed absolutely normal until I got a message via Instagram from one of my Japanese friends. It was a great surprise for me because we have not contacted for more or less than 2 years, so I could not help replying it and I actually enjoyed the conversation for half an hour.

I found a difficulty to tell her that I was in a challenge in Digital Detox since she is a friend. I recognised I had to say to the others that I tried reducing time for digital devices if I want to finish my challenge in success. In digital interactive world which everybody thinks we must use digital device all day and we can contact whenever we want, it is tough to be “isolated” from the world.

I do apologise for my excuse, I try seriously again to see 0 minutes on the statistics.

