Trap everywhere

chenfan zhang
A diary of future lives
3 min readOct 7, 2019

There is not a moment to take lightly!

6.10.2019 | Stay at home

I stay at home all day because I have to deal with work through the internet, and I think that’s why I didn’t do the challenge of electronics because I know that if I leave my device, I’ll probably “die”.

Today is the third day I have this challenge; I use Illustrate to make a picture as my iPhone screen, whenever I light up my phone screen, I can see this reminder and keep limit my impulses.

7.10.2019 | Trap everywhere

It is the first day I take this challenge in camps. None of us brought lunch today. But I take an empty lunch box with a spoon and chopsticks. What I want to do is try to use the lunch box to pack my lunch without single-use plastic or paper.

However, things are not always as perfect as your image.

The first experiment object was a restaurant that sells pasta which comes from my roommate highly recommended.

“You must try it,” she said, “ It’s so delicious!”

I followed her to buy the delicious pasta, and I saw a long line in the distance. There were so many people that I had to wait about 15 minutes to get into the restaurant.

“Sorry, I have a challenge about zero-waste, could you put the pasta into the container I take by myself?”I watch the staff who helped me get the meal straightly and said.

“Well……” There was a moment’s pause; obviously, I’m the guest who makes the request which he had never meet before. Then he used Italian to asks the ower in a brief discussion.

“Only once.”The owner answered with a holding finger.


‘So……I can’t enjoy the delicious pasta for two weeks, because the restaurant doesn’t allow people who take their lunch box.’

Then I give the stuff my lunch box. The staff eyes widened, who was visibly shocked at the size of the container.

“Yes, yes, I have to eat a lot of food to give my energy in the afternoon.” But he seems not to understand what I said, and only gave me a little pasta, which even cannot cover the bottom.

“Only once.” At the checkout, the owner spoke to me and tried to use English to explain something, but I didn’t understand.

When I walk on the way back, I think the portion of the pasta he gave me was too little, and I had to buy more food to keep mine energy in the afternoon. So I entered a bakery at the corner of the school gate, and try to explain my zero-waste challenge for the staff, but when I saw her eyes, I realized that she didn’t understand what I was saying. Fortunately, a student who waited behind us helped me. After a short explanation, the staff behind the cabinet even gave me thumbs up.

‘Great!’ I think ‘Mission accomplished.’

But when I got the pizza, I was dumbstruck; they still wrapped it in a piece of paper as isolation of electronic balance.

“Ok……” I said, “There’s not a moment to be taken lightly.”

The piece of paper is even covered with plastic film.

