Use only 6 liters of water per day:Challenge in 14 days

sherry lai
A diary of future lives
5 min readOct 18, 2019
Life is inseparable from water. Every day, human beings need to rely on water resources to complete various activities. At the same time, they also produce a large amount of wastewater. Wastewater discharge is also a problem that has always been worthy of attention and solution.Water conservation has always been one of the slogans of loving the earth, but how can we save water in daily life? So I so I chose to follow the challenge of using only 60 liters of water a week.


# 04 Oct. Make a daily water plan&Find the amount of water used in daily life products

  • Water consumption: Flush the toilet: 4–8 liters;Shower: 30–50 liters;Cooking: 5 liters;
  • Purchased a measuring cup to calculate the amount of water used
Measuring cup to measure water consumption

# 05 Oct. Limit water use challenge first day

Today, my friend and I are going to travel to the town of Como. We will leave at 6 in the morning, so it is too late to take pictures of the morning wash. Today we will spend time at the Como lake and eat at the restaurant.And I will record the amount of water used today.# 06 Oct. Limit water use during the challenge second day.
Share a bottle of sparkling water with my friends -200ml

First day water summary

Brushing teeth 200 ml*2

Washing face 1000ml

Drinking water 1000ml

Sparkling water 200ml

Shower 30litre

Flush the toilet 15litre

TOTAL 47.6 litre

# 06 Oct. Limit water use challenge second day

Brushing teeth using 200 ml of water
Wash face with 1000ml of water
Save the water after washing my face so I can use it to wash my hands, use it to flush the toilet after the water is dirty.
Cooking with 700ml of water
Reusing the remaining water of rice washing
#I use at least 500ml of water one time, so I decided to use a wet towel instead of washing my hands.#The shower used a lot of water, so I decided to use a washbasin with 3000 ml of water to scrub with a towel.#The accumulated amount of wash water is not enough to flush the toilet, especially after the stool, so you have to wait for the water to be washed in the evening, which will cause the toilet to smell a bit. . .

Second day water summary

Brushing teeth 200ml*2

Washing face 1000ml

Cooking 3000ml

Shower 5litres(include wash face)

Drinking water 1000ml

wash clothes by hands 5litres

Flush the toilet 10litre

TOTAL 25.4litres

# 07 -08 Oct. Try a variety of ways to reuse water

Collecting water from the wash cup
Sink keeps water storage mode

#Keep the kitchen sink in the water storage mode, collect daily water (washing hands, wash cups, fruits, etc.), and the collected water can be used for washing dishes or washing vegetables.

# 09 Oct. Collecting rainwater on rainy days

Collecting rainwater
#Collect rainwater for watering, clean the toilet, mopping the floor, etc.
Watering flowers with rain

# 10–13 Oct. Gradually getting used to the changes in living habits

#A large amount of waste water is generated during bathing, which can be used to flush toilets and mopping the floor. So I went to buy a big bucket and stood in a vat while taking a shower to collect the bath water.

#Before starting the challenge, the first thing when you wake up every day is to go to the toilet and flush it. Now if the water collected for flushing the toilet has been used up, I will wait to brush my teeth and wash my face and flush the toilet with the saved water.

#There are various buckets in every corner of the house, the kitchen is used for washing vegetables and washing dishes, the toilet is used for flushing toilets and washing hands, so the home becomes a little crowded and not clean enough…

#Because of the use of a gel shampoo it will take longer to rinse, so more water will be used, so I replaced the shampoo with soap.

Use containers to hold water that can be reused
Reusing water to flush the toilet

# 14–16 Oct. Do more things with one pot of water

A pot of water
Washing fruit
Washing board
Washing dishes

# 15–17 Oct. How to maintain the habit of limiting water use after the challenge

#There are many ways to recycle water if you want to save water, but it also takes a lot of time and effort. How to make water conservation a natural habit instead of deliberately doing it is something that deserves to be thought about.#Most of the places I use water are toilets and kitchens. If the design of the toilet and kitchen combines the recycling function of water, it will save a lot of manpower and time, and also help to cultivate good water habits.#Japanese hygienic design of recycling water bucket.#This link explains 12 reasons why Japanese toilets are the best toilets in the world.

