What life will be if I only have €20 a week | Day2–3

A diary of future lives
4 min readOct 7, 2019

I read the comments and maybe some think I am starving, but I can assure you I eat enough for every single meal, so don’t worry. On the contrary, I am quite full everyday. Although my budget sounds not enough, but actually, you can buy a lot of food, I mean the food material. I am going to post my meals to convince readers.

/////// DAY2 ///////

For breakfast, I eat cookies again…I brought too many Tofu, I really need to eat them up before they go bad. One box of Tofu can make 4 meals, you can see my tears right now😭… So, same old same old, still home-made Ma Po bean curd for lunch, but I use leftover shrimp heads to cook noodles( it’s delicious I must say ) For dinner, I need to eat some meat for sure. I can cook double meals for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday we have classes all day long, so I can’t have take-away from restaurants like I usually do. I will bring some food for lunch, use the microwave to heat up. And also remember to bring my bottle to get some water. Eggs are my best friends! It can become omelette / steamed egg custard and also can cook with tomatoes. It’s like the versatile queen.

I need notebooks to take some notes but I can’t buy it. Then I find a good way to have some — graduates are selling second-hand things even give them free, so I got one notebook for free — Yayyyy. I download an app to keep digital dairy and accounting instead of notebooks & pens

I didn’t go out, I read some books on an app — €0 ( app have some actives to read all books for free)

so my spend today is


cookies 50g — €0.18


*home-made Ma Po bean curd ( like yesterday )

Tofu ½pc — €0.19

ingredients — €0 ( from last tenant )

*shrimp noodles

shrimp heads — €0 ( leftover )

noodles 75g — €0.17

kiwi *1 — €0.27


*Tomato scrambled eggs

tomato*½ — €0.2

eggs*½ — €0.09

*Beans with Fried meat

beans 250g — €0.33

chicken breast 100g — €0.45


notebook — €0 ( from a graduate )

so my spend today is €1.88

/////// DAY3 ///////

I don’t eat too much in the morning, so bread is fine. Actually it is mini croissant. I went to supermarket this evening with empty belly, I am really hungry so I want buy every food I saw. Then the tip I saw yesterday pop out: don’t go to market when you are hungry! That’s a truth. I checked the reduced section as someone says and find a yogurt that is only €0.25. I pay attention to the second-hand group chat, so I got a new schedule book today again

My lunch today

so my spend today is


breads 50g — €0.2


*home-made Ma Po bean curd ( like yesterday )

Tofu ½pc — €0.19

ingredients — €0

*Beans with Fried meat

beans 250g — €0.33

chicken breast 100g — €0.37

*Tomato scrambled eggs

tomato*½ — €0.2

eggs*½ — €0.09

peach *1 — €0.5


sausage*1 — €0.25

egg*1 — €0.16


yogurt 125g — €0.25

tarallini 125g — €0.4

chocolate 30g — €0.2


notebook — €0

new schedule book for free

so my spend today is €2.64, I eat more than my budget today…maybe I can stop using unnecessary electricity, only use my lamp while working. In that case, I can rise my food budget again.There are three 5w LED lights and one 8w light in my room I made some calculation, if I turn off these lights I can save…just€0.05 one day. That’s not enough for my food budget. But if I stop using them everyday €0.05*365 I can save €1.75. Hummm…not so much either for saving money but maybe a good way to save earth if multiply by populations . Anyway I need to find other ways. Maybe less meat and snacks. or new ways to find free staffs.

Ikea Light bulb

