December Eleventh Photo(s) a Day

Anna Herrington
A Different Perspective
2 min readDec 11, 2017

The Tourist Trap

Here, at the top of a local mountain, is one of the favored spots to take family and other visitors to our area.

I jokingly call it the Tourist Trap, and tend not to mention details beforehand, just saying: “Thought you might like to see the mountain today, its pretty up there…”

And then I just watch faces — our visitors are usually city dwellers, almost all from the East Coast — as the drive up the single track dirt road winding to the very top gets steeper and steeper, twisting past giant boulders, steep-sided meadows and towering evergreens.

The view is facing south in top photo, toward Mt. Shasta, California, one of our region’s volcanoes, with its smaller satellite cone, Black Butte, just visible to the right.

The mountain being stood on is near the California border, in Oregon.

Most people only come here in winter to ski — my family, we only come here in summer— for views like these.

(This is the view if you turn to the right just a bit from the top photo’s view, now facing south south west, approximately.)

The photo series beginning.



Anna Herrington
A Different Perspective

Writer, photographer, gardener, lover of family life and the wild, dreamer ~ Writing: views, photo essays, memoir, fiction, the world ~ @JustThinkingNow