Earth Day

Anna Herrington
A Different Perspective
2 min readApr 22, 2019
Local lake Sunday morning

Thank you, 1969 Congress, for passing The National Environmental Policy Act.


Thank you, 1972 EPA, for banning DDT.

Great blue heron by the shore

Thank you, Rachel Carson, for writing Silent Spring, published in 1962.

Canada geese couple

Without these actions and those of many others over the years/decades, I’m not sure our world would have these beautiful birds anymore…

or that our canoe on Easter morning would have been so …. incredible. (‘Canoe’ is a verb, right? ; ) )

Bald eagle on right and osprey fighting over territory…?

…and this is just one tiny corner of the world.

Paddling back into the feeder creek, filled with tiny darting birds and a cacophony of birdsong

Environmental policy works, when people fight the good fight.

Funny-looking, stocky little green heron ~ I’ve never seen one before at this lake

‘Earth Day’ is every day.

I know I, for one, could do better…

Plastic pollution has become a terrible scourge…

but for today,

thank you, local lake, you’ve been my sanctuary for more than two decades off and on, you are home to a lovely diversity of land and water neighbors.

So nice to have a non-drought Spring this year! First one in many, many years…

…. and man, that osprey ripping away on that fish underneath his/her impressive left talon was a cool and rare sight…

~ Happy Earth Day ~



Anna Herrington
A Different Perspective

Writer, photographer, gardener, lover of family life and the wild, dreamer ~ Writing: views, photo essays, memoir, fiction, the world ~ @JustThinkingNow