Find the Sound of the Songbird

charles mccullagh
A Different Perspective
1 min readMay 7, 2021


Mad Cow Culture is all over the range

Where the deer and the antelope act strange

What’s in the feed, has gone to the brain

A barnyard version of Abel and Cain

Now the Tower of Babel, ego on high

Leans to the right, start the Big Lie

Tongue on the loose, syntax undone

Horizons lost, bring on the gun

Subject and object, broken in two

Now do we have fake news for you

God in his heaven, all wrong with the world

Country at loggerheads, flag still furled

Belief systems thrown out with the trash

Doesn’t matter, bow down to cash

Time is now liquid, runs on its own

Life is something we’re given on loan

What’s unresolved sees the light of day

Call out the Other and make them pay

Embrace the whirlwind, pay the price

A nod to the godhead should suffice

Jung’s Cultural Complex now owns the place

A rupture in politics, religion and race

The trajectory is down the rabbit hole

Taking on the midnight shadow role

Or follow the god in the other lane

Look in the mirror and don’t complain

Find your weakness, that inferior strain

Suffer the madness and the pain

Land on your feeling, sensate side

Get on board for nature’s ride

Find the sound of the songbird in your heart

Welcome aboard, you’ve earned the part.

(Note: This poem was inspired by a class, “Listening to This Moment in Time,” given by Jungian analyst Heide Kolb at the C.G Jung Foundation in NYC.)



charles mccullagh
A Different Perspective

James Charles McCullagh is a writer, editor, poet and media specialist. He was born in London, served in the US Navy, and received a PhD from Lehigh University.