How Maribetta showed me light!!!

A Different Perspective
6 min readSep 17, 2015

I realized the fact that the villages are beautiful throughout the country.. Be it at a remote village in Karnataka named Maribetta :

Nothing beats the good old rustic countryside views !!! Take a stroll around the village :

And be ready to treat your eyes with the most amazing lake view of your life!

And as soon as we saw our base camp, our eyes lit up in joy!! Sheer delight again!!

It was a smooth journey of 72 kms from the city of Bengaluru. And the breakfast comprising of Poori, Upma & South India special Kesari Baath was present to start the day’s proceedings!!

And if the delicacy of the food was not enough to make you feel high, the welcome views of the lake along with tea was just enough!

The views were so stunning that I had to literally pinch myself to believe that it’s actually real!!

Now meet our trek guide for the day :-

Miss Vinolia Santhumayor, the girl from Mangalore who is rocking at Bangalore Mountaineering club! “What’s the meaning of your name Vinolia”, I asked. To which her reply was “Happiness”.

Now that conversation sums up her entire personality. She is full of life:) The way this girl was managing our entire group is commendable. It’s not easy being a girl and freelancing in a profession like this that too in India! So hats off girl!!

” The kind of people you meet on treks are incredible. You won’t find them anywhere else”

With introduction from fellow members, a day full of adventures began!

The first was the trek :

The trek was a fairly simple one. Especially after trekking through mountains like Mullayangiri and Tadiyanmol, I was not feeling the heat at all 😉 But the views were equally fascinating. I mean each trek has unique views that are waiting to stock your photo archives

We saw some paddy fields on the way, if that excites you 😛

We also saw some cave like formations like this :

Almost feltlike a society over there �

But moments like these make the trek unforgettable. Are you a dog lover? If yes, then you are gonna fall in love with the next picture!

“Dog is your best friend”, they say

Well I belong to the breed of people who like dogs but from a distance. I used to be scared whenever this dog used to come from behind suddenly from nowhere. But the dog stayed with us throughout the trek, again proving the fact that dogs are one of the most faithful animals

Even when I reached the top, the dog was there..!!!

I was trying my best to stay away from the dog. But he followed us to perfection. And now when I look back, he was the one who made the entire trek awesome!!!

The best thing about treks is that it leads you to places that you don’t believe existed before!!!


We all are fascinated with the concept of “Stairway To Heaven”. Well I don’t know about heaven but being close to nature always feels heavenly

What is the best possible thing that could happen to you after a tiring trek ?

“A serene lake where you can lie all day and attain Nirvana”

My first Kayaking experience happened to be in this lake near Maribetta in Kanakpura. And the feeling was sublime! Imagine you are in a lake with your Kayak in the backdrop of mountains. When I started riding it. I felt like I should go on and on forever, riding this Kayak. It was an ultimate experience. The experience which you attain while doing something for the first time is incomparable! You might trying it doing it again and again to get the same level of thrill. But bygones are bygones

Coracling : After the Kayaking part, we tried our hands on Coracle ride. A circular shaped small, lightweight boat frequently used as means of transportation in Southern part of India.

Coracling is an art. And to master this art it takes some practice. It’s not like you can just go there and ride. I mean that’s what I thought in the beginning. But then we had to suffer 😉 We just kept on rotating at the same position for like 10 minutes :p It was still fun though 😀

But after certain amount of practice, we even managed to pull of a rescue operation

And the icing on the cake was the zip-lining straight into the lake!!!





One of the best memories that I have of Maribetta trip is of playing cricket with this kids

I tried my hands on Kayaking, Coracling, Zip-lining and Trekking but the most amazing experience was playing with this kids. Playing Cricket turned out to be pretty nostalgic !!

I think it was Cosco ball and I hit it out of the park… Sorry kids we lost the ball. You can put the blame on me

Whether it was the positivity of Vinolia or the human-dog relationship or the amazing Kayak experience or playing Cricket with those kids, travelling to Maribetta made me experience the finer things in life!!!

Originally published at on August 19, 2015.

