Is This Why We Don’t Talk About Infertility?

Pamela M Tsigdinos
A Different Perspective
4 min readFeb 26, 2016


Humans don’t do well with emotional discomfort of any kind. This has been proven time and time again, but no more so than with infertility. It can be traumatizing on many levels, but I guess I didn’t realize how difficult an infertility diagnosis can be on other people.

They just do not want to see it, hear it or talk about it. They prefer to pretend it away.

Are you cured? Boy, I sure hope so because that means I can finally relax.

This universal sigh of relief was made abundantly evident in a post called The Magical Cure by Cristy. She gave me insight into an experience I never had: sharing news of a pregnancy.

The responses she encountered made me shake my head in disbelief (as did a few of the comments). Cristy writes:

All the sudden, those who were distant are actively trying to enter our lives, wanting to share in the excitement. Yet too often, this excitement is prefaced with people wanting to ignore the past, ignoring the scars that are still very visible. Worse yet are those who are quick to offer the ‘see, you just needed to do X’ or ‘it all worked out for the best.’

Don’t even get me started on the ‘G_d’s will/plan” explanations.



Pamela M Tsigdinos
A Different Perspective

Writer/Author. Published in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, WIRED, The Boston Globe, Fortune, Reno Gazette Journal