December Ninth Photo a Day

Anna Herrington
A Different Perspective
1 min readDec 9, 2017

Sun Through Smoke

My heart goes out to all affected by the wildfires in California, those who are still recovering from prior fires and those who are actively dealing with them today.

These are unedited photos from when the fires were up here in Oregon. I didn’t look or focus, just pointed the camera toward the smoky sun.

Smoke, even when far away, creates such an eerie atmosphere….

(…and I apologize for no Photo a Day for December 6th — 8th.

See The Moldy Lemon.)



Anna Herrington
A Different Perspective

Writer, photographer, gardener, lover of family life and the wild, dreamer ~ Writing: views, photo essays, memoir, fiction, the world ~ @JustThinkingNow