Shulman and Wortham

Andrew Ma
2 min readApr 3, 2017



  • Persona and true self
  • Social media and trends
  • Popularity


Readings are about the differences of a person behind a mask and the front the mask. The person who uses the mask mostly hides their true self and most people uses these a lot today like the social media and others stuff outside our door. Most of the masks were used to keep their reputation maintain like a fake personality to show you are a great person but inside is completely different.


  • “Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people don’t care.” Shulman
  • “ It all feels like harmless fun, but our online lifestyles have begun to make a real impact in our offline worlds, a trend that doesn’t seem to be reversing.” Wortham


  • I notice the word “Fake people” at Shulman’s readings it made me thought of a friend of mys who gives out a fake image and it also reminds me of myself in the past. I wonder if the term fake people means as in a person that is never honest like my friends who hides his pains and sadness from everyone like if his life was amazing as he is or it could be someone like my past who made a fake personality to make a better image of myself to others.
  • For Wortham I notice the quote “harmless fun” and “online lifestyle” which instantly make me think of YouTube and people that does things for fun on the internet but end up bad. Lots of people use the internet but now of days they always does thinks for fun which cause lots of people to be offended and the same goes to pranks on YouTube. Plus a huge difference to post and videos while posting can cause problems to the person who post it but on videos watchers demand more of the same contents. Also famous people like YouTubers or celebrities, if they does one small mistake it can ruin their reputation that they have to keep for the fans.


  • The quote from Shulman that say “Fake people” which makes like most of the humans are mostly fake people but what if fake people does not exist? Does that makes the people show who they truly are? Will they cause huge problem?

