no one is enemy to water

M.L.S. Roessler
a distant read
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2017

I just came across a community needs analysis of Papua New Guinea. The research team held focus group discussions in targeted clusters of communities and got the following result:

value the sea.PNG

Farther down, I read that 45% of communities named access to clean water as a top concern, ahead of medical issues, unemployment, and education.

The study’s recommendation is, “Educate on clean water practices and general hygiene.”

So basically — help communities to stop polluting their own water.

The research was conducted by my organization, and funded by the New Britain Palm Oil Company. Some facts about palm oil:

For every metric tonne of palm oil produced, 2.5 metric tonnes of effluent [liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea] are generated from processing the palm oil in mills.*


No, ugh is not the word.



Please. I don’t know what else to say. Just please — anyone who can, anyone who knows how — Activists? — Artists? — Gods? — Naiads? — stand up for water.

*WWF: Palm Oil & Soil and Water Pollution

