Well, They Did Say Karma likes Talako

Comic #6 of A Dog Named Karma

Kiki Schirr
A Dog Named Karma
2 min readDec 28, 2020


Click for the first comic, or for the comic before this one.

Words spoken out loud appear within white bubbles. The fainter white bubble in the second panel is meant to denote whispering, but is low contrast, so I’m including the full text of the dialog for the visually impaired.

Author notes at the end of the work.

It’s still December, 2019 —

Our awkward duo is rapidly approaching Frieda’s dormitory, and therefore, the end of their outing:

Talako tries to wrap his head around meeting a psychic at a Farmer’s Market, and Frieda made a pun about how much they saw

Talako: “A farmer’s market? How did — Did they just walk up and predict your future?”

Frieda: “Um, well, I was pretty stunned by how much they could see. Heh.”

The pair is startled by an invisible creature and Frieda whispers to Karma that now is NOT the time as Talako looks unsettled

Frieda (whispering): “Not now, Karma, I just can’t, sorry.”

Frieda: “ACK!!! SORRY! Oh my gosh, I’m talking to myself now! SORRY! First a psychic and…”

Talako: “Cut it out. I like hanging out with you and what’s a little talking to yourself when I just proved I can’t read signs? That was fun. I never get bored around you.”

Bonus Frieda-view of Karma’s Puppy Eyes (TM):

A picture of Karma, as seen through Frieda’s eyes, urging her to just tell Talako already, for goodness sake.
It’s probably better for everyone else that only Frieda can see Karma. Look at those puppy eyes. “Tell him, Frieda!” They say. “Puhleeeeease?”

Author’s Note:

My parent’s dog remains a constant muse of cuteness so I’m happy to be able to share her joy with y’all.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season — and soon, it’s not going to be 2020 anymore!

Read the next comic now!



Kiki Schirr
A Dog Named Karma

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!