MIND’S EYE — An Auction

A Doodler’s Noodling
2 min readJun 7, 2013

This blogpost has been written to draw your attention to a blind auction of a bespoke piece of artwork. But first I want to give you some background. I urge you to follow the links so you can understand why this important effort deserves your support.

A few months ago, a very brave friend of mine, Jon Bartlett (@Projectlibero over on Twitter), took to the floor at an event under the banner HR For Mental Health (@HRforMH on Twitter) and talked candidly about his struggle with his condition. More recently he has guest blogged for Mind, a leading mental health charity. It’s worth stating here their vision and mission:

Mind’s vision
They won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect.

Mind’s mission
They provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

I have been inspired by Jon to create something unique to raise money for this wonderful charity and I want someone to have the chance to determine what that is and to own the result. You can find examples of my cartoon work elsewhere on this blog. The premise is simple. If you would like a bespoke cartoon (no larger than A4 in size) created to your specification, you should email me at sjheath@live.co.uk with your bid. The auction is blind so you will not be aware of the value of other bids. The bidding period will last from the moment this post is published until midnight (British Summer Time) on Friday 14th June 2013. On Saturday 15th June, I will contact the highest bidder to notify them that they have submitted the winning bid and to find out what subject matter they would like the cartoon to cover. With their permission I will announce their name and chosen topic both here and on Twitter on the same day and also to publish the final artwork here for you all to see. I will of course need to see proof of donation.

I hope this is something that you feel able to support and look forward to hearing from you with your bids. Please share this blogpost as far and wide as you can and let’s do something fantastic together…

If you would prefer to donate without participating in the auction or if you are not the successful bidder and still wish to donate, you can do so here.

Mind is a registered charity in England (no. 219830) and a registered company (no. 424348) in England and Wales



A Doodler’s Noodling

Consulting artist. Illustrator - listener - facilitator - connector - writer. Expert generalist. Cynical optimist. Trainee feminist. FRSA