The 22nd and 24th U.S. Presidents

A Poem

Danielle Gibson
A Few Lines of History


A Drawing of President Grover Cleveland’s 1886 White House wedding to Frances Folsom. — Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

There were two United States Presidents
Who were alike in every single way.
They were always at the same residence.
Never apart, not even for a day.

These two presidents were so much alike,
It turns out they were simply the same chap.
But after one term and so much dislike,
The twenty-second president was scrapped.

After a good four long years had passed by,
Twenty-two still couldn’t accept defeat.
He decided he should still be the guy
and decided to run for a repeat.

Twenty-two ran again, and he became
The twenty-fourth after a waiting game.


Grover Cleveland became the 22nd U.S. President after the 1884 election, serving from March 4, 1885, until March 4, 1889. President Cleveland ran for reelection, but was defeated by Benjamin Harrison. Even though President Cleveland lost his reelection bid, he still had more plans for the country. After four years out of office, President Cleveland ran for president once again in the 1892 election. Cleveland defeated both President Harrison…



Danielle Gibson
A Few Lines of History

Danielle Gibson is a copywriter by day and explores creative writing by night.