The Federalists

A Poem

Danielle Gibson
A Few Lines of History


Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, leaders of the Federalist Party. — Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The Federalist Party was started
During the year Seventeen Ninety-One.
They navigated waters uncharted,
Being the first faction ever begun.

The nation’s first political faction
Was led by Alexander Hamilton.
John Adams was also in the action,
As well as some other important men.

The Federalist Party did control
National government for some decades.
Keeping conservatism was the goal,
But the party would soon lose to new trades.

While the Federalist Party dissolved,
The party allowed issues to be solved.


The Federalist Party was founded in 1791. It was the first political coalition ever formed in the United States. The party was notably led by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and John Adams. The Federalist ideology was centered around classical conservatism. Federalist supporters favored banks, a national government opposed to a state government, and wished to keep a friendly relationship with Great Britain.

The Federalists dominated national politics for 10 years, between 1791 and 1801. The…



Danielle Gibson
A Few Lines of History

Danielle Gibson is a copywriter by day and explores creative writing by night.