
Erin Hyde
A few thoughts about music production
1 min readMay 6, 2018

Burial is an artist who’s music I’ve really taken a liking to lately, so I went searching for a bit of info on the way he produces, and found a really good Youtube video analysing his production style.

Interestingly, Burial uses SoundForge, an Audio Editing platform created by Sony, which apparently is not much of a DAW at all, and has limited capacity for producing music. For one; it doesn’t work with any sort of grid?

The way this Youtuber describes Burial is that he produces with his ears, and with the way a piece of music conveys feeling. Processing techniques, ‘perfect’ sound quality and quantising things correctly are irrelevant if he is happy with the way something sounds.

This — I love. It sounds a bit obvious but sometimes I forget to produce with my ears, and my intuition. Quantising, not quantising, EQing, not EQing, mastering, not mastering? It’s easy to get distracted by what’s happening on screen, but I guess in the end, all that matters is the way something sounds, and feels.

