How to learn to code in 2017

It’s never been easier.

Juan Buis
A Field Guide to Unicorns
4 min readSep 18, 2017


Maybe it’s been your New Year’s resolution for the last decade.
Maybe you’re a designer who’s been told it a hundred times over.
Maybe you just came up with the idea.

Learning to code. It’s become somewhat of a hype, but not without reason — why else would more and more schools offer coding classes to students? It’s the language powering all technology around us.

But should you learn to code? Well, that’s a hard question for me, a stranger on the internet, to answer. Do you…

  • want to be able to create your own homepage, portfolio or web tool?
  • want to change careers and get a job as a software engineer?
  • just want to get a better understanding of how the technology that surrounds us works?

If so, it’s a great idea to learn a programming language! You’re in luck, because it’s never been easier to get started with coding — there are tons of amazing resources out there that can help you on your path to becoming a programmer.

A good way to start is by figuring out which language is best for you with this tool. Then, check out the resources I’ve compiled below.

Harvard’s CS50 (free)

As one of the most prestigious colleges in the world, getting admitted to Harvard University doesn’t come easy or cheap — but that doesn’t mean you can’t profit from its stellar education.

The widely praised CS50: Introduction to Computer Science, is available for free to anyone with an internet connection. The self-paced programme consists of nine problem sets that, depending on your familiarity with the topic, could take you around 12 weeks to complete.

It’s a great place to start — besides teaching you a broad understanding of computer science and programming, it learns you the basics of various languages including C, Python, SQL and JavaScript.

Treehouse ($25/month)

From the hundreds of courses available online, Treehouse stands out as being one of the most user-friendly, well-designed programmes.

The curriculum is split up into 25+ tracks covering popular programming languages, VR development, digital literacy and much more. There’s a strong focus on high-quality video content mixed in with interactive coding challenges and quizzes, making it easy to follow along for students at any level. If you get stuck, there’s the wonderful Treehouse community to ask for help.

All of this doesn’t come cheap — the most basic starts at $25/month — but it offers a lot of bang for your buck, making it a great option if you’re looking to dedicate yourself to an intensive study plan. Not willing to commit yet? Try out the free 7-day trial.

Codecademy (free, or $19/month)

As one of the first websites to offer free coding classes, Codecademy has helped millions of people learning to code since its launch in 2011.

Instead of developing expensive video courses, the website has managed to stay free by focusing on text-based learning. You can still practise your skills with interactive challenges, but it’s all a bit more bare-bones.

All content is accessible for free, but if you’re looking to take your studying to the next level, consider paying $19/month for the Pro plan. It’s a great deal — you’ll get access to a personalized learning plan, quizzes, realistic projects and live help from advisors.


Everyone’s favorite ugly website, Reddit, has something for everyone — no wonder it’s home to /r/learnprogramming, a helpful community of people who are learning to code.

It’s a great place to ask for help, find new resources and stay motivated to keep studying. Signing up is as easy as creating an account and subscribing to the subreddit.

Other great resources

There are lots more amazing programming resources out there. Here are some of the best:

FreeCodingCamp: Another great, free programme to get you started with programming.
CodeWars: Work on your skills by taking part in coding challenges with others.
Khan Academy: 1000s of free videos on coding and related topics.
MIT CourseWare: The world’s most famous technical university puts all documentation of its courses online. Various coding courses for all age groups, starting from kids in kindergarten.

It’s important to note that blindly following any of these courses won’t be enough — it’ll only teach you basic coding knowledge, not the required mindset.

To truly master a language and potentially get a job as a programmer, it’s important to spend lots of time practicing. By creating small test projects and completing online assignments you can put your knowledge to the test, ensuring that it’ll stick for longer.

Learning to code won’t be easy, but hopefully these resources will get you on the right track. Put in the hours, practice a lot, and when you’re confident about your skills, keep an eye on Unicorn Hunt for the best development jobs.

