How to Stand Out From The Pack When Applying to a Startup Job

Unicorn Hunt
A Field Guide to Unicorns
6 min readFeb 20, 2020

Landing your next startup job shouldn’t feel like chasing a unicorn. Apply these five tips to your startup job search, and you may finally score a call back for an interview.

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Has it been an uphill battle trying to get your foot in the door of a startup?

Despite sending several applications, you can’t seem to get a call back even though you know you have the skills necessary to tackle the job.

Wondering what gives?

Applying to a startup isn’t just competitive; it can be tricky to navigate.

See, unlike corporate job postings, hiring managers for startups have more obstacles standing in their way when it comes to expanding their team.

To stand out from your competition, you’ll need to learn how to overcome those challenges and rise to the top of the stack.

Luckily, this resource covers everything you need to finally land the startup position of your dreams.

What It Really Takes to Stand Out When Applying to a Startup

Hiring at a startup is a bit more complicated because:

Startups may be limited on cash flow. This means the company needs to make sure the person they hire is really the right fit for the job. They can’t afford to start the hiring and training process all over again.

Many startups also need their employees to wear multiple hats since filling several positions at once may not be a financial option.

This means companies are technically hiring candidates for more than one position, and each role requires different skills, abilities, and experience.

Understanding these limitations is the first step to submitting a successful application. Showing you know how to overcome them is the secret to creating an application that stands out.

Here’s how to do that:

#1. Get To Know the Company Beyond the Job Posting

Before you can even think about your application, you’ll need to do some research first.

Essentially, you’ll want to find out everything you can about the company so you can identify where/how your skills can help them.

At a minimum, check out their website, About Us page, mentions in the press, and their social media channels.

Take this a step further and start following these companies on social media to see what’s going on and to stay in the loop.

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Doing this should give you a better understanding of their industry, including the present situation and where it’s heading.

Jot down any trends you notice.

Are things moving in a positive or negative direction?

Answering these questions can help you uncover what each company could be doing better. And, more importantly, it shows where/how they could use your help.

Searching for and studying their competition can also help you discover this.

Who are the other prominent players in the company’s space that are already doing well? How can you try to emulate them?

While this research may seem like extra effort, it will pay off tenfold. Your findings will help you tailor a pitch that stands out and provides talking points for your eventual interview.

Once you know more about the company, you can move on to studying the job ad itself.

#2. Dive Deeper Into the Job Posting

After your company deep-dive, it’s time to re-read the job posting a few times to identify what each company needs help with.

Here’s where you’ll also sleuth out what each company is looking for in their ideal candidate.

Many job seekers fail to realize that these clues are all hidden within the job post!

Because you may miss these crucial details on your first pass through the job ad, it’s so important to go through it several times.

When you do, consider highlighting or noting everything that sticks out.

Are they struggling to grow their company?

Or is the company’s problem awareness because most people don’t know they exist?

Maybe they need help developing a better product or improving their customer service?

You’ll find all these answers and more in the job posting as long as you look past the position title and read more about how this company specifically needs help.

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Identify these problems and needs now so you can position yourself as a problem solver ready to save the day in your application.

#3. Spend More Time on Your Application Than You Normally Would

Anyone can fill out every box of an online application and hit submit. The key to standing out is going above this basic effort.

That’s why you should start thinking of your applications like a sales pitch. Your application should give a hiring manager a clear understanding of why they should hire you.

At a bare minimum, you should throw together a portfolio that positions yourself as an expert in your field.

It doesn’t have to be anything too elaborate, and it shouldn’t be overly complicated.

Just come up with a few examples or case studies of how you’ve helped previous companies or clients, and the results you achieved from doing so.

Your application should also include a cover letter that’s perfectly tailored to the company needs you uncovered earlier.

Present these in a visually appealing and easy to understand way and voila! You have an application that gets noticed and pushed to the top of the call-back stack.

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These assets reiterate that you understand the obstacles facing the company — both present and future — and that you have the experience to help fix them.

#4. Branch Out Your Skillset

Another startup-specific point to consider is that you may be applying to a small team that’s stretched thin.

This means that, while the job you’re applying for is technically one position, you may need to jump into other departments occasionally.

So after you discuss your core competencies and the ones the job is explicitly asking for, mention all the other areas in which you have experience.

Are you a marketer that’s also great with customer service?

Or a programmer who knows SEO and marketing?

By showing off your full range of skills, you’ll tell startups that they’re getting an extreme value for their money when they hire you.

So spend some time tackling these additional areas, and you’ll have a much better chance of getting noticed.

And if you really want to make a lasting impression, don’t skip this last tip.

#5. Go the Extra Mile

To impress a startup and land your next job, get a little more creative and think outside of the box.

How else can you make your application impossible to ignore?

You can try creating a video submission or an interactive portfolio that shows this startup you’re more than just slightly interested in the job.

Another option is to go the opposite route and take it old school. Send in your resume, a nice cover letter, and your portfolio — or a link to it — via snail mail.

If you can come up with clever packaging, you’ll have no trouble getting your application noticed by key decision-makers.

So think about what else you can do to show off your skills and make your application stand out. Then start working on this project sooner than later.

Apply These Tips To Your Startup Job Searching to Stand Out From the Pack

Okay, so that was a lot of information thrown your way. But all of it will help you make a lasting impression and get that call back you’ve been waiting for!

So save this guide and refer back to it anytime you’re preparing an application for a startup job.

Want to find the hottest startups worth working for? Keep checking Unicorn Hunt for the job of your dreams.

Follow the insider tips in this guide, and you’ll be one step closer to landing an interview. Good luck!

