Working from home absolutely sucks

Juan Buis
A Field Guide to Unicorns
2 min readFeb 20, 2017

Working in the new economy can have an awful lot of perks.

When you’re at a startup, you often have a flexible schedule. Sure, there’s a number of hours on your contract, but it’s more important that you do your job well than that you actually spend all your time at the office.

Or maybe you’re a freelancer, basking in the luxury of being able to decide where you bring your laptop every day.

Both have access to something that sounds like the holy grail — working from home. Close to the comfort of your bed, couch and kitchen, you’re the one in charge of your environment. Getting dressed? Totally optional.

But honestly, it’s one of the worst things ever. When trying to get any work done, any home turns into a black hole sucking in all productivity. Let me explain.

1. It’s impossible to focus

I know, this one doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. When you’re alone at home, there’s nothing to be distracted by, right? Wrong. In reality, the most mundane things suddenly become extremely interesting.

When doing the dishes seems downright exciting, you know something’s up.

2. Nobody cares what you’re doing

You’re all by yourself, half-dressed, sitting behind your laptop. Nobody cares if you go on Facebook, spend three hours watching stupid cat videos or if you eat peanut butter straight from the jar.

There’s no boss, no co-workers, nobody to judge you for fucking around, making it practically impossible to get anything done.

3. You slowly go insane

Spending so much time without any kind of human interaction can’t be good for your health. With no one to talk to, you might start creating imaginary co-workers to hang out with.

It might sound like a nice exercise in human creativity, but it’s only a few steps from going batshit crazy.

4. Your bed is right there

Your bed is never more than 20 steps away. After one or two hours of work, you feel like you should treat yourself with a short nap.

Next thing you know, you wake up three hours later, realising that it’s been the third time this week.

5. There’s so much to eat

With access to an endless supply of food, it’s hard to keep from stuffing your mouth all day long. When any distraction can be supplemented by eating something, why wouldn’t you?

By the way, dipping a banana into Nutella doesn’t count as lunch.

I honestly don’t believe anyone who says they ever got any work done at home. It’s a filthy lie. Prove me wrong.

If you read this in your underwear (just like how I wrote it), be sure to check out this short story by Colin Nissan. Just be warned — it might hit a little bit too close to home.

