Welcome to A Field Guide to Unicorns!

Benjamin Southworth
A Field Guide to Unicorns
2 min readFeb 7, 2017

Hello all,

Southworth the exiled unicorn here! I wanted to write a short note to let you know about the plans we have for A Field Guide to Unicorns.

Unicorn Hunt is growing and changing, and with that we needed to find a way to curate, commission, celebrate and discuss the whole gamut of hiring, scaling, growing, managing, moving, training, adapting and anything that’s people related.

I sometimes to refer to this as PeopleOps — FleshOps felt too brutal. In essence the Process, Operation and Management of People. It’s a cold term for all the warmth it’s supposed to inherit, but applies some geeky rigour to proceedings.

This publication is intended for everyone, and we’ll be using it to champion our customers, provide feedback on job adverts, applications, cover letters, CV’s, we’ll be looking at employee on-boarding, best practises for recruitment, management methodologies, and lots of hard learned lessons from the startup & scale-up battlefield.

Oh, and you’ll be hearing about some pretty exciting stuff coming down the line.

We’re always looking for writers, so if you’ve a suitable sounding blog post, let us know, and extra credits for Medium users!

With love & Rainbows

Benjamin Southworth,

Chief Unicorn of The Impossible

