Exclusive Interview with newly turned Professional Footballer Jamie Jellis

Richard Kyson
A Football Life
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2020
Jamie Jellis

I was lucky enough to grab 10 minutes with Stevenage’s Jamie Jellis, fresh from signing his first professional deal at the club.

Read our exclusive interview below and don’t forget to give this post a 👏if you liked what you read!

Jamie Jellis on signing for Stevenage

“First of all, congratulations Jamie, how does it feel to sign your first professional contract?”

JJ — “Thank you, obviously it’s an amazing feeling. From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a footballer, like every other young boy.

This is the one thing I have worked towards and to finally sign this contract is a great feeling.

Over the years I’ve put in so much hard work to get where I am today. I’ve experienced rejection, some highs but to put pen to paper today is the best feeling yet.”

RK — “For the fans that have never experienced it, what’s the process involved in signing a professional contract?”

JJ — “The process for me was a bit different. I signed my scholarship back in November 2017. From then on, I was plagued by injuries.

I broke my leg in December 2018 in my second year and that ruled me out for the rest of the season.

The club froze my scholarship to give me the chance to get fit and earn this professional deal, which I’m so grateful for.

My scholarship was meant to end in November 2019. But with my injury, it took me through to the start of 2020. The first day back after Christmas I was told I’d be offered a pro deal and there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to sign it.”

Jamie Jellis on his style of play

RK — “What makes you different from the average 18/19 year old playing local Saturday/Sunday football?”

JJ — “What makes me stand out is how serious I take the game. I look after my diet, rest and recovery. When I’m on the field, whether that’s training matches, two touch, I always want to win.

I hate losing! I’m a winner. I take my gym work so seriously and I’ve sacrificed so much to get where I am.

Other lads my age want to go out, drink and whatever, but not me, I want to be the best.”

RK — “What can the Stevenage fans expect to see from you? What are your best attributes?”

JJ — “I’m an attacking midfielder, so they can expect to see goals and assists. I like to press the life out of the opposition and force them into mistakes. Even if I’m not having the best of games they will always see me working hard. I will always do my best to earn a place in the team and fight to stay there. I’m determined to do what I can to pull this club up the table to where they belong.”

Jamie Jellis on his career

RK — “Flip the coin, what’s the one thing you need to work on?”

JJ — “Currently I’m doing a lot of 1 to 1 work with the coaches around my sharpness in and around the box. Working with both feet and first touch to create that half a yard of space to get my shot off with either foot.”

RK — “Who’s been the greatest influence on your career so far?”

JJ — “My mum, my dad, and my brother. I had a tough time in my first year, I was having doubts over whether this what I really wanted to do. I had so many injuries.

Without their support and encouragement, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I want to give a huge thank you to Jorden Gibson, Robbie O’Keefe, Steve Payne and Ian Morris for helping me get to this stage. There are so many other people that have helped me and I can’t thank them all but they know who they are.”

RK — “For fans that haven’t seen you play, which players playing style are you most similar to?”

JJ — “The player I’m studying the most at the moment is Kevin De Bruyne. I’m watching his highlights to try and learn as much as possible. The way he manipulates the ball, his shooting, crossing, and technique is unreal. The awareness of where the centre forward is going be is something I’m working on every day.”

Jamie Jellis on the future

RK — “Which team and players are you looking forward to playing against in the second half of the season?”

JJ — “For me, I’m just aiming to break into the first team and to get some minutes. With our current position, every game is huge so we’ll be aiming for three points in every match to push up the table. We just need to worry about ourselves because where we are now is not a true reflection of the team's ability.”

RK — “Finally, where do you see yourself in three years?”

JJ — “I’m here now, I want to progress and push as high as I can. It’s all about progress so I’m aiming to break into the starting eleven, become a regular and keep on going from there. It’s every boy’s dream to play in the Premier League, and that’s what I’m aiming for. I’ve grown up a Liverpool fan so to play for them would be a dream come true”

RK — “Thanks for your time Jamie and good luck for the future. Safe to say that all of us here at A Football Life will be keeping a close eye on your progress.”

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