Initial Concept Pitch

Ong Lynette
A Forgotten Child, Dakota.
1 min readApr 17, 2015

Social Issue: Nostalgia of Past Activities

In light of SG50 celebrations, we will use staged manipulation of activities commonly done in the past, to allow Singaporeans, both young and old, to recall and reminisce what is forgotten and forge a stronger sense of national identity.

For instance, the stone tables with the Chinese Chess board at the void deck of HDB flats was often used as a gathering place for the elderly to play chess or to sit down for a long chat with each other. But today, these tables are rarely used for this purpose. Hence, we would portray a lonely elderly sitting at the table, playing chess with ‘people’ when in actual fact, he is alone.


Method: Reenact a timeframe of forgotten places, by removing the most important element of that forgotten place to show the absence of the activity. We hope these activities of yesteryears will be ‘preserved’ and remembered.

